Saturday, May 15, 2010

Antique Outdoor Lighting Fixtures

Lights for the front porch need to be selected right away. There is a contractor coming soon to replace the broken post that is barely holding up the porch roof. At the same time the threshold will get replaced and any lighting work needs to get done. It would be wonderful to put antique outdoor lighting fixtures on either side of the door.

Right now there is just a bare bulb poking out of the ceiling that covers the porch. The socket is controlled with a very short pull chain. It looks like someone had a lightweight paper shade taped up over the bulb, but that couldn't have lasted long in rainy weather.

Yes - the ideal would be a lantern type fixture placed about two feet from either side of the door. That would set the outdoor fixtures equidistant from the windows on both sides of the door. It would add another bit of symmetry to the front of the house, which is a bit of a hodge podge at the moment.

The best hardware finish would be silver to match with the greys and mauves of the paint and trim. Black outdoor wall lanterns would work, but the frame would have to be delicate, not heavy like the old fashioned garage and barn wall lanterns. This house is small and the outside decoration must be somewhat petite to maintain its cottage-like demeanor.